Slow Reels combines Ian Hawgood’s love of reel-to-reel tape machines and vintage synthesizers with James Murray’s melodicism and richly textured digital sound design. Their Morr Music debut, ‘Farewell Islands’, is an arresting, fluorescing album that blends full-frequency dronescaping with a slow-burning ambient minimalism.
Track: Miya
Artist: Slow Reels
Release: Farewell Islands
Label: Morr Music
Track: Another New Shore
Artist: Ian Hawgood
Release: Eilean: [100]
Label: Eilean Rec
Track: Found
Artist: James Murray
Release: Eilean: [100]
Label: Eilean Rec
Track: Find
Artist: James Murray
Release: Loss
Label: Eilean Rec
Track: Hushed Edges in the City
Artist: Ian Hawgood
Release: A Light, A Glimmer
Label: Polar Seas Recordings
Track: The Muse
Artist: Ian Hawgood, Stijn Hüwels & James Murray
Release: Slowcraft Presents: The Muse 06.07.19
Label: Slowcraft Records
Track: Shona
Artist: Slow Reels
Release: Farewell Islands
Label: Morr Music
Quiet Space — #126 — Farewell Islands
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