Megan Alice Clune is a musician, composer and artist based in Eora (Sydney). Her recent release, If You Do, became an album for solo voice and an ensemble of technologies. An album about contorting the body (voice) through time (rhythm, pulse), repetition and form. The work is nostalgic for past futures: wishing for the technological optimism of the late 70’s and early 80’s.
Track: The Swirl of the Void
Artist: Megan Alice Clune
Release: If You Do
Label: Room40
Time: 1:01
Track: Airy Volume
Artist: Megan Alice Clune
Release: We Make Each Other Up
Label: Self Released
Time: 4:12
Track: And A Twist
Artist: Lawrence English
Release: Observation of Breath
Label: Hallow Ground
Time: 11:18
Track: The Chance Of A Thunderstorm
Artist: Megan Alice Clune
Release: If You Do
Label: Room40
Time: 13:29
Track: Passage 2: Superstar
Artist: Megan Alice Clune
Release: Relating to the Immediate Surroundings of Something
Label: Self Released
Time: 16:10
Track: So Bored
Artist: Megan Alice Clune
Release: If You Do
Label: Room40
Time: 25:11
Track: Pooling Liquid
Artist: Megan Alice Clune
Release: We Make Each Other Up
Label: Self Released
Time: 29:04
Track: It will never snow in Sydney
Artist: pimmon
Release: Smudge Another Yesterday
Label: Preservation
Time: 36:19
Track: Frisson
Artist: Megan Alice Clune
Release: If You Do
Label: Room40
Time: 45:03
Track: Passage 4: Daniel Von Jenatsch
Artist: Megan Alice Clune
Release: Relating to the Immediate Surroundings of Something
Label: Self Released
Time: 47:11
Track: Heart Communication
Artist: Megan Alice Clune
Release: If You Do
Label: Room40
Time: 53:55
Quiet Space — #194 — Megan Alice Clune
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