Dictaphone are a Belgian-German band with mastermind Oliver Doerell at the helm and they return with their fifth album “Goats & Distortions 5” on the always reliable Denovali imprint. Oliver Doerell again teams up with Roger Döring (clarinet & saxophone) & Alex Stolze (violins) to create a gorgeously melancholic sound, blending “morbid acoustic instruments” with electronics. On this edition a special blended selection of the latest work with previous gems. Essential listening.
Track: Goats & Distortions 1
Artist: Dictaphone
Release: Goats & Distortions 5
Label: Denovali
Track: Island 92
Artist: Dictaphone
Release: Goats & Distortions 5
Label: Denovali
Track: Maelbeek
Artist: Dictaphone
Release: Poems From A Rooftop
Label: Denovali
Track: Tempête et Stress
Artist: Dictaphone
Release: Goats & Distortions 5
Label: Denovali
Track: Seance
Artist: Dictaphone
Release: APR 70
Label: Denovali
Track: Goats & Distortions 2
Artist: Dictaphone
Release: Goats & Distortions 5
Label: Denovali
Track: Peaks
Artist: Dictaphone
Release: Nacht EP
Label: Denovali
Track: Opening Night
Artist: Dictaphone
Release: APR 70
Label: Denovali
Track: Nr. 12
Artist: Dictaphone
Release: Poems From A Rooftop
Label: Denovali
Track: 808.14.4
Artist: Dictaphone
Release: Goats & Distortions 5
Label: Denovali
Track: Rising Minimal
Artist: Dictaphone
Release: Vertigo II
Label: Denovali
Track: O.
Artist: Dictaphone
Release: Goats & Distortions 5
Label: Denovali
Track: Lofi Opium
Artist: Dictaphone
Release: APR 70
Label: Denovali
Track: Your Reign is Over (excerpt)
Artist: Dictaphone
Release: Goats & Distortions 5
Label: Denovali